Live Without Fear! Much more than simply a bunker or a house, our patented NBC BioShelterTM is fundamentally designed to provide a safe and secure environment for natural disasters or nuclear, biological or chemical emergencies, wind-rated rated to 550mph, fire-proof, and seismic resistant in excess of Mag 8.0. It is a self-contained blast and shock- resistant “altered environmental facilityTM” capable of providing protection from chemical, biological, radiation, and electromagnetic pulse hazards. Totally sustainable and environmentally friendly, NBC BioShelters are self-contained ecosystems which may operate as a dedicated facility or be incorporated into any BioGymTM, providing all of the same health and sports recreation features on a day-to-day basis and activated in the event of an emergency. Their simplistic monolithic dome construction combined with a redundant modular airlock and environmental control design is ideal for supporting rapid deployment military applications. Our NBC Bioshelters may be TEMPEST and VAULT certified and are ideal facilities for emergency command centers, hospitals and barracks for protecting our military personnel deployed in elevated threat environments.
Full-service, full-amenity sustainable communities of like-minded individuals are being developed, based not on race or creed, but on shared ideologies. Each NBC BioShelter and each community is a self-contained ecosystem, each fully capable of producing its own ultraclean breathing air, its own oxygen, growing its own food, making its own ultrapure drinking water, and generating its own energy. The surface areas are used for biodynamic organic agriculture, prime wildlife habitat and recreation.
Bio-International is pursuing discussions with homeland security and local governmental agencies to seek tax advantages and potential business loan assistance for those who agree to providing dual purpose commercial / public access, for both public health and emergency purposes.
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